Electrical Tape was made by 3M company in the 1940s. Although it can be made from various plastics, vinyl is most often used in its production because it has greater stretching ability than its peers. As a result, Electrical Tape is more effective in maintaining good insulation for a long period of time. Electrical Tape must also have certification so as not to burn when it is too hot.
Reasons For Using 3M Electrical Tape
Electrical Tape has a double job to do. When wrapped in an electric cable, the task is to stop the electrical current to or from another cable because of this error, because this can make a short circuit that can cause the circuit breaker to shut down and stop the electricity flow to the electrical device. The second objective of Electrical Tape is to stop the possibility of electric shock if the cable is alive (hot) and touched by someone.
3M Electrical Tape Application
Electrical Tap is applied to bare wire by rotating the tape around and along the wire in a similar manner. There are no gaps that must be in place to ensure good insulation and maintain moisture or condensation so as not to reach the wire. Elasticity tape helps keep it tight and comfortable to the wire.
3M Electrical Tape Coded Color
Black is the most commonly used Electrical Tape color, because there is no specific color code. Black Electrical Tape is also resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which can damage other colored tape. As a result, black tape is used on cables that will be in direct sunlight. Other colored tapes are used to indicate neutral wires (gray or light gray tape), grounding cables (green or yellow / green tape), or cables at both ends of the long channel for identification.
If it is wrapped several times around two or more objects, the Electrical Tape is very strong and difficult to destroy. It also resists certain corrosive acids. It has a very long life before losing its elasticity and needs to be replaced. Although strong, most Electrical Tape can be detached from the roll by hand, although some permanent stretches around the pause should be expected. Because of this, the knife or cut scissors are more desirable.
Other uses
Because of its long-lasting nature, people use 3M's Electrical Tape for reasons other than electrical insulation: bandages for a while, drummers for their fingers to help stop blisters, athletes use to keep the shin from slipping, mark the stage floor actors with tape to help them remember positions stage, and rugby players even pin their ears to keep them pulled by opponents.